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Worry for nothing

The week before last I got my first summons for a mammogram, scheduled for yesterday morning at 9:30. It was surprisingly good timing, as not only was I home that day, but the appointment was late enough that I had time to get the kids off to school before I needed to leave myself. The only real glitch was that Yrsa is home on Wednesdays, but that was easily enough solved by Olof’s suggestion that I drop her by his office before continuing to the radiology department for the test.

Like most women, I’ve heard plenty of horror stories about mammograms over the years, so I was anticipating the procedure with a bit of dread. I needn’t have worried, however, as it was relatively painless. It was a little strange and uncomfortable, to be sure, but not even really close to what I’d call painful. Even better, it was a quick process and I was in and out of the exam room in ten minutes flat. I’ll get the results within a couple of weeks, they say, and then I shouldn’t have to think about it again for another two years.

That chore out of the way, I went back to Olof’s work to pick up Yrsa, and the two of us had a cup of not-so-great coffee before my girl and I left him to carry on with his day. We had some hours to spare, and I was craving a cup of decent coffee, so the two of us stopped by Stig’s, a regular fika favorite of ours, and treated ourselves to drinks and pastries before returning home.

All in all, it was a much better morning than I’d feared it might be when I got out of bed.